Home Bred
Pups #01 Ash, #03 Linen
Stud/RB Litters
Bred by: WolfStorm
Bred by: Okami
10/20/08 Pup #02, Rye
Bred by: xgotahavealittlfaithx
Pups #02 Vive
Bred by: SplitX
Pups #02 Bridget, #03 Trouble
Pups From Other Kennels
9/16/08 Pup #04 Drummer
9/17/08 Pups #03 Oreolla, #04 Pepper, #05 Hunter
9/18/08 Pup #02 Hash
10/2/08 Pup #03, Dulce
10/7/08 Pup #04, Roola
10/16/08 Pup #02, Archer
The Orchard Kennel is part of
adoptable of Pony Island.
Registered Kennel as of 10-31-08.