ID: 065
Name: Solomon
Show Name: OK's Solomon the Wiseguy
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Color: Silver mackerel tabby
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-25-08
Got from:
Personality Contest
Children: None yet
Personality: Solomon is a happy, confident cat. He enjoys sitting in your lap when he's in a sitting still mood. The rest
of the time he'd prefer to be out and about exploring, finding the best trees to climb, the best fences to walk along, and
the best dust motes to pounce on. He is very curious, and is constantly turning up in unexpected places. He's also constantly
trying unexpected foods. Or non-foods, as the case may be. Solomon needs to be watched carefully to make sure
he doesn't eat anything strange or manage to get himself into a dangerous place, such as the refrigerator or washing machine.