Pembroke Welch Corgis
ID: 419
Name: Digital Eye
Show Name: OK's Digital Eye
Breed: Pembroke Welch Corgi
Color: Red-headed Tricolor
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-23-08
Got from: WolfStorm (Paint Trade)
Last Breeding: 5-19-08
Litters: 1
Children: #862,
Personality: Digi is a sweet dog who tends to be a worrier. Due to this he's had a slower start
competing than some of our other dogs. He is working on aclimating to the show ring and we hope
to see good results from him.
ID: 421
Name: Jack in the Box
Show Name: OK's Jack in the Box
Breed: Pembroke Welch Corgi
Color: Brown Merle?
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-23-08
Got from: WolfStorm (Paint Trade)
Last Breeding: 10-20-08
Litters: 1
Children: None grown yet.
Personality: Jack is a bundle of engery who always wants to be on the go. He loves jumping and chasing things.
His best class is Agility.
ID: 1492
Name: Rye
Show Name: OK's Rye Bread
Breed: Pembroke Welch Corgi
Color: Tribrown
Father: Jack in the Box
Mother: Twisted Sister
Date Born: 10-20-08
Date Received: 2-25-09
Got from: Breed/RB fee from Okami
Last Breeding: None
Litters: None
Children: None
Litter Pic (Pup #02)
ID: 422
Name: Digital Dream
Show Name: OK's Digital Dream
Breed: Pembroke Welch Corgi
Color: Red and White
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-23-08
Got from: WolfStorm (Paint Trade)
Last Breeding: 5-19-08
Litters: 1
Children: #862,
Personality: Dream is a beautifully proportioned dog with a go-to attitude. Her best class is conformation.
ID: 420
Name: Twisted Sister
Show Name: OK's Twisted Sister
Breed: Pembroke Welch Corgi
Color: Black-headed Tricolor
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-23-08
Got from: WolfStorm (Paint Trade)
Last Breeding: 10-20-08
Litters: 1
Children: None grown yet.
Personality: Twist has a strong and willful personality. Her trainers have to work
hard to keep her in line in the show ring. She tends to do best in Stamina.
The Orchard Kennel is part of adoptable of Pony Island.
Registered Kennel as of 10-31-08.