Adoption Contract

Here at The Orchard Kennels we require adopters to agree to the contract below before adopting a dog from us. The purpose of the contract is to help adopters to be good Kennel dog owners, and to help them know what we expect of them. In order to adopt a pup or dog from Orchard Kennels, you must agree to the following:

1. You agree that you will never bump a Kennel thread. It makes the Kennel workers upset and that upsets Silvanon.

2. You agree not to ask when an event will happen or when it will continue. This causes the Kennel workers to delay doing that event, which makes Silvanon sad.

3. You agree not to post or otherwise approach Garney or the other Kennel workers or the TheKennel account with complaints, advice or suggestions about the lineart and/or coloring of TheKennel critters. It makes the Kennel Workers not want to do The Kennel at all, which makes Silvanon very, very sad.

4. You agree not to post or otherwise approach the Kennel Workers with unsolicited complaints, advice or suggestions about events The Kennel runs. It makes the Kennel workers upset and that upsets Silvanon.

5. You agree to keep chatter to the chatter thread and only post business in the business (event) threads. Posting chatter in the business threads makes the Kennel Workers upset, get the idea.

6. You agree not to inbreed any dogs from the Orchard Kennel. Inbreeding is defined as breeding a dog to any blood relative. Inbreeding makes Silvanon go "Eeeeewwwww!"

7. Specific limitations regarding overbreeding and mutt breeding may apply to lines that originated in other Kennels. If any of these apply to the specific pup or dog you're getting from us, we will inform you of them in advance of the agreement.

8. If you trade or sell a dog you got from us, send a PM to Silvanon on PI informing us of it. This lets Silvanon keep niffty records of her dog's lines.

9. If any of the above rules are flagrantly broken, we reserve the right to reposses the dog(s) you got from us.

Rules not in the contract you might have questions about.

Overbreeding - I don't know why you would choose to breed a dog too soon after a previous litter. The Kennel makes it clear that you get fewer pups and that they have a higher chance of disabilities. The one quick-succession litter I've seen had only one pup in it, who was blind. But if you want to throw all caution to the wind, and (in my opinion) waste the bed on a litter practically guaranteed to be tiny, well, The Kennel allows it and I won't stop you.

Non-purebred Mutt breeding - As a registered Kennel you're not allowed to breed for mutts. Mutts also can't compete. Since they can only be bred by Basic users, you'd only be able to keep one pup from the litter, which you wouldn't be able to sell. The pup will have the same lineart as a purebred, you don't get anything new from cross-breed breeding. There's a lot of bad things that go along with breeding for mutts built into The Kennel's rules. If none of those deter you from wanting to breed a mutt with a dog you got from me, I won't stop you.

If you have questions about how something is done on The Kennel, the website is an excellent source of information:

I'd like to note that The Kennel workers are wonderfully nice people, and that they do in fact solict suggestions from their adopters fairly often. They just don't like the unsolicited stuff.

The Orchard Kennel is part of adoptable of Pony Island.

Registered Kennel as of 10-31-08.