Cocker Spaniels


ID: 1108
Name: Hunter
Show Name: CK's Hunter Brown of Orchard Kennels
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Brown & White
Father: Sparticus (#504)
Mother: May Belle (#507)
Date Born: 9-17-08
Date Received: 11-04-08
Got from: Zarzamora's Carew Kennels
Children: None yet

Puppy pic: Pup #05

ID: 1518
Name: Archer
Show Name: CK's Woodland Archer of Orchard Kennels
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Brown & White
Father: Valentino (#350)
Mother: Alexissa (#673)
Date Born: 10-16-08
Date Received: 2-26-09
Got from: Zarzamora's Carew Kennels
Children: None yet

Puppy pic: Pup #02


ID: 693
Name: Allie
Show Name: CK Alabaster Ebony of Orchard Kennels
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Black & White Tri Color
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Date Born: Unknown
Date Received: 10-6-08
Got from: Zarzamora's Carew Kennels
Children: None yet

Personality: Allie is a lovely dog with a kind and fun-loving personality. She adores the show ring, especially Agility, and excells around the course.

Points: 3

Competition history: 10/08 - 2nd Ag. 11/16 - 3rd Ag.

ID: 1110
Name: Oreolla
Show Name: CK's Dunk and Dash of Orchard Kennels
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Black & White
Father: Sparticus (#504)
Mother: May Belle (#507)
Date Born: 9-17-08
Date Received: 11-04-08
Got from: Zarzamora's Carew Kennels
Children: None yet

Puppy pic: Pup #03

ID: 1109
Name: Pepper
Show Name: CK's Sugar and Spice of Orchard Kennels
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Dark Brown & White
Father: Sparticus (#504)
Mother: May Belle (#507)
Date Born: 9-17-08
Date Received: 11-04-08
Got from: Zarzamora's Carew Kennels
Children: None yet

Puppy pic: Pup #04

The Orchard Kennel is part of adoptable of Pony Island.

Registered Kennel as of 10-31-08.