Painted Unicorns Parents List

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Page: 33

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| ID | PaintID | Name | NameMeaning | OwnerID | Gender | Glory | Class | ID | Mother | Father | Charity | Species | PurchaseType |

System ID: 787
Adoption ID: 787
Name: ???
Meaning: ???
Owner: 16. Aylura
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Nai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 788
Adoption ID: 788
Name: Clete
Meaning: Scream
Owner: 11. Arielle
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 789
Adoption ID: 789
Name: Evinan'shallal'teppen
Meaning: Endless Black Steppe
Owner: 44. Dyani
Gender: M
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Ninai
Mother: 478
Father: 476
Charity: Alisha'Ishlansta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1297
Adoption ID: 78z
Name: Vet'li'klis
Meaning: Breath of Angels
Owner: 94. Lexington
Gender: F
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Theli
Mother: 1255
Father: 1256
Charity: Alisha'yia'hala
Species: Zebracorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 79
Adoption ID: 79
Name: Valiflis
Meaning: Golden Wing
Owner: 156. Thele
Gender: M
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nitheli
Mother: 12
Father: 14
Charity: Oshli'wythe
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1516
Adoption ID: 79
Name: Cenedra
Owner: 253. Anyways
Gender: F
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Nithelida
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 790
Adoption ID: 790
Name: Alaar'inmil
Meaning: Dreaming Soul
Owner: 115. Pega
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Theli
Mother: 304
Father: 631
Charity: Evira'xirsta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 791
Adoption ID: 791
Name: Elef?elas
Meaning: Fine Picture
Owner: 3. AirRaiser
Gender: M
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Theli
Mother: 177
Father: 215
Charity: Ereth Nathe Buri
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 792
Adoption ID: 792
Name: Leut?llanais
Meaning: Cruel Beauty
Owner: 50. FlyingPanther
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Theli
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 793
Adoption ID: 793
Name: Abe'ye'xirsta
Meaning: Play with Colors
Owner: 115. Pega
Gender: M
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nitheli
Mother: 281
Father: 248
Charity: Evira'xirsta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 794
Adoption ID: 794
Name: Eillista'aman
Meaning: Fairy Lights
Owner: 97. Luminaire
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Theli
Mother: 379
Father: 414
Charity: Veranar'Ethensta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 795
Adoption ID: 795
Name: Anatha'kitesh
Meaning: Magic Whirl
Owner: 12. Arriaki
Gender: F
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Nitheli
Mother: 632
Father: 605
Charity: Mish'verenasta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 796
Adoption ID: 796
Name: Evira'opan
Meaning: Eternal Hope
Owner: 115. Pega
Gender: F
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Niyeva
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 797
Adoption ID: 797
Name: Morenar
Meaning: Darkening
Owner: 162. Unyko
Gender: M
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Nitheli
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 798
Adoption ID: 798
Name: Isil'li'alasta
Meaning: Pool of Dreams
Owner: 94. Lexington
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Niyeva
Mother: 205
Father: 235
Charity: Yian'yiv
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 799
Adoption ID: 799
Name: Dolli'fuwah
Meaning: Creampuff
Owner: 97. Luminaire
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Naida
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 1298
Adoption ID: 79z
Name: Ushelesta'tih'filan
Meaning: Whispers from Heaven
Owner: 94. Lexington
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Theli
Mother: 1255
Father: 1256
Charity: Alisha'yia'hala
Species: Zebracorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 1351
Adoption ID: 7s
Name: Dilna'ath
Meaning: Morning's Shadow
Owner: 53. GryphonIce
Gender: F
Species: Special
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 1227
Adoption ID: 7z
Name: Leana
Meaning: --
Owner: 67. JadeEye
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Theli
Charity: --
Species: Zebracorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 8
Adoption ID: 8
Name: Mur'Hundan
Meaning: Red Mountain
Owner: 89. Lady Darkmoon
Gender: F
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Yeva
Mother: 1331
Father: 1327
Charity: Tetheran
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1439
Adoption ID: 8
Name: Riv'erana
Meaning: Sky Song
Owner: 369. Secundi
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nai
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1855
Adoption ID: 8
Name: Dartius
Owner: 271. Angeenia
Gender: M
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Niyeva
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 80
Adoption ID: 80
Name: Nathe'veth
Meaning: Autumn Breeze
Owner: 114. Only1jc
Gender: M
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Theli
Mother: 8
Father: 30
Charity: Dil'ethen
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1517
Adoption ID: 80
Name: Flis'rivsta
Meaning: Golden Skies
Owner: 202. Tervenna
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Chenai
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 800
Adoption ID: 800
Name: Med'verana
Meaning: One Song
Owner: 16. Aylura
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Yeva
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 801
Adoption ID: 801
Name: Valista'li'saos
Meaning: Wings of Chaos
Owner: 31. Chaos
Gender: F
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Ninai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 802
Adoption ID: 802
Name: Loe'li'dinieltoh
Meaning: Echo of Grandeur
Owner: 92. Leafy
Gender: M
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Ninai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 803
Adoption ID: 803
Name: Leviish'lisen
Meaning: Velvet Midnight
Owner: 147. Stormelle
Gender: M
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nitheli
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 804
Adoption ID: 804
Name: Petet?lihas
Meaning: Happy Holiday
Owner: 156. Thele
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Chethelida
Mother: 768
Father: 331
Charity: Ahtey?Mirith
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 805
Adoption ID: 805
Name: Komek?chesein
Meaning: Demon Stalker
Owner: 156. Thele
Gender: M
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Theli
Mother: 667
Father: 666
Charity: Teshana?Dilesh
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 806
Adoption ID: 806
Name: Fali?alasta
Meaning: Sweet Dreams
Owner: 156. Thele
Gender: M
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Theli
Mother: 643
Father: 644
Charity: FaliCorasta
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 807
Adoption ID: 807
Name: Oshlie'pasret
Meaning: Jade Emperor
Owner: 156. Thele
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Thelidacheda
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 808
Adoption ID: 808
Name: Morklis
Meaning: Dark Angel
Owner: 94. Lexington
Gender: F
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Chetheli
Mother: 654
Father: 666
Charity: Teshana'Dilesh
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 809
Adoption ID: 809
Name: Veosh'li're'yiv
Meaning: Siren of the Night
Owner: 53. GryphonIce
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Theli
Mother: 599
Father: 303
Charity: Kaesien'esen
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 1299
Adoption ID: 80z
Name: Virinsta'li'flisen'anda
Meaning: Ribbons of Golden Sugar
Owner: 162. Unyko
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Yeva
Mother: 1267
Father: 1269
Charity: FaliCorasta
Species: Zebracorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 81
Adoption ID: 81
Name: Quanta
Meaning: Perspective
Owner: 8. Ann
Gender: M
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Theli
Mother: 1337
Father: 1327
Charity: Tetheran
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1518
Adoption ID: 81
Name: Tuniv'wysa
Meaning: Event Horizon
Owner: 107. Myrror
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Niyeva
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 810
Adoption ID: 810
Name: Siminnan'yiv
Meaning: Sleepless Night
Owner: 53. GryphonIce
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Niyeva
Mother: 324
Father: 326
Charity: Evira Saos
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 811
Adoption ID: 811
Name: Tiosesta
Meaning: Questions
Owner: 53. GryphonIce
Gender: F
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Ninai
Mother: 325
Father: 579
Charity: Kaesien'esen
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 812
Adoption ID: 812
Name: Denkeum'diane
Meaning: Stone Guard
Owner: 53. GryphonIce
Gender: M
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Theli
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 813
Adoption ID: 813
Name: Havalash'zyith
Meaning: Fantasy Storm
Owner: 12. Arriaki
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Niyeva
Mother: 615
Father: 557
Charity: Leuil Turran
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 814
Adoption ID: 814
Name: Kene'de'baver
Meaning: Make a Wish
Owner: 97. Luminaire
Gender: M
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Chenai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 815
Adoption ID: 815
Name: Mornetes
Meaning: Dark Intentions
Owner: 19. Azurefalcon
Gender: M
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Niyeva
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 816
Adoption ID: 816
Name: Mesemath'kavernin
Meaning: Phantom Stranger
Owner: 19. Azurefalcon
Gender: F
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Thelida
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 817
Adoption ID: 817
Name: Bishe'sub'de'bondee
Meaning: Escape on a Miracle
Owner: 94. Lexington
Gender: M
Glory: Filinasta
Class: Nithelicheda
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 818
Adoption ID: 818
Name: Shexlin'renitein
Meaning: Fire Starter
Owner: 3. AirRaiser
Gender: F
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Nai
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: T
System ID: 819
Adoption ID: 819
Name: Filanna'virde
Meaning: Heaven's Drive
Owner: 76. Kanai
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Niyevada
Charity: --
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: C
System ID: 1300
Adoption ID: 81z
Name: Teth'ishalsta
Meaning: Crystal Shards
Owner: 162. Unyko
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Nithelicheda
Charity: --
Species: Zebracorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 82
Adoption ID: 82
Name: Ethen'shexlin
Meaning: Star Fire
Owner: 74. Kaetz
Gender: M
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Theli
Mother: 1334
Father: 1326
Charity: Turrandoti
Species: Painted Unicorn
Purchase Type: F
System ID: 1519
Adoption ID: 82
Name: Brishil'yiveilli
Meaning: Neon Nightlight
Owner: 242. Cythera
Gender: F
Glory: Eilli Havala
Class: Niyeva
Species: Tablet Paint
Purchase Type: F