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Paint Genetics

The Painted Unicorns use a two part gene system. The first part is to determine body type and color markings, and is a "traditional" setup. There are 12 characteristics determined by the genes. The characteristics and their genes are as follows (genes are listed in order of dominace):

L --a light body. This is the usual horse body type.
h --a heavy body. This gene is a recesive, meaning that it may be hidden by a L gene, but will in turn cover a p' gene. A "heavy" phenotype has a draft-horse sort of look, with thick, tuft feet and a strong build.
p' --a pony body. This gene is super-recesive, meaning that the Paint must have only p' genes for the trait to be manifested. Pony paints have short legs, necks, and heads, and tend to have some sort of simple ornementation.

Body Fur:
- --Paint has normal hair. Dominant
* --Paint has long hair (the "Fuzzy" look). As a Recessive gene, it will be covered by a -. Some * genes, however, are dominant.

- --Paint is normal. Dominant
* --Paint is surrounded by fire. As a Recessive gene, it will be covered by a -. Some * genes, however, are dominant.

H --a "horse" tail. This gene is dominant, with the tail completely covered in long silky hair.
l --a "lion" tail. This gene is recesive, and features a tuft of hair at the end, much like a lion's tail.

S --solid hooves, uncloven, horse-like.
c --cloven hooves, deer-like.

T --a twisted horn, segmented.
s --a solid horn, a straight rise, straight up.

N --no wings.
y --feathered wings.
v'--vestigial feathered wings (small).
t'--insect (butterfly, dragonfly, ect.) wings
h'--multiple sets of feathered wings

B --body has a broken coat, with patches.
s --body is solid, without patches (though it still may or may not be appaloosa or have other patterns.)

N --no appaloosa markings.
y --appaloosa markings. Markings may be limited to the hindquarters, or large spots may be spread over the entire body.

Y --bay markings. Affected areas are: mane, tail, legs, and tips of ears.
n --no bay markings.

Y --leg and/or facial markings are present.
n --no markings.

Tail pattern:
S --tail is one solid color.
b --tail is broken, two-toned.

Mane pattern:
S --mane is one solid color.
b --mane is broken, two-toned.

* --mutation is present. Mutation genes will generally attach themselves to some other gene, such as the Body gene, Bay gene, or Marking gene for passing on to future generations. Mutation genes are generally dominant although they can be recessive.
-- mutation is not present.

N --Colors are from the normal set --includes but is not limited to brown, black, white, yellow, orange and grey.
f --Colors are from the fantasy set--includes but is not limited to: pink, purple, green, blue, red.

The second part of the Paint's gene system deals with the actual colors an individual displays. Rather than being determined by normal inheritance, a Paint may recieve "color sets" from either parent, or any grandparent. There are four color sections that are determined by this inheritnace proceedure.

Body color:
A Color Set for the attribute Body includes two genes: one for Normal color, and one for Fantasy color. For example, a Paint could inherite "Normal--yellow" and "Fantasy--red." If the Paint's genes code for Normal colors to show, this Paint will have a yellow body. If the phenotype is to be Fantasy colors, the Paint's body will be red.
Sometimes a body gene will be a phrase instead of just one color. For example, it could be "Brown with white." The "with" clause states what color patches will be. If this Paint has a "Broken" body phenotype, it will be mostly brown, with white patches. If the gene stated "White with brown," a broken-bodied Paint would be mostly white with brown patches. If no "with" clause is included in the gene, "with white" is assumed.

Mane (&Tail) color:
A color Set for the attribute Mane includes four genes: one for Normal, one for Fantasy, one for Normal Bay, and one for Fantasy Bay. Which color shows depends on whether the "Color" characteristic is Normal or Fantasy, and whether the "Bay" characteristic is "Yes" or "No." If the Paint is Bay, the legs and tips of ears will also take on the Bay color.
Mane colors may have a "with" clause, however if they do not, they will usually take on the "with" clause of the Body color. Occationally they will take on "with white" regardless of the Body color "with."

There's only one gene in this set: what color the hooves will be. This gene may include a "with" clause.

Also has only one gene in the set, and also may include a "with" clause.

Zebracorn Genetics

Zebracorn genetics include all the Paint genetics listed above. They also have a few special genes of their own, as follows:

L' --a "lion" tail, just like the "l" gene. This gene is super dominant, and will cover up an H gene when present.

S' --a solid horn, just like the "s" gene. This gene is super dominant, and will cover up a T gene when present.

Body Pattern:
Z' --coat displays zebra striping. This gene is super dominant, and will cover up a B gene when present. If the zebracorn has a lot of Painted Unicorn blood, sometimes this gene acts co-dominant with the B gene, and the individual will have both paint markings and zebra stripes.

N' --no bay markings, just like the "n" gene. This gene is super dominant, and will cover up a B gene when present.

N' --no markings, just like the "n" gene. This gene is super dominant, and will cover up a Y gene when present.

Specials Genetics

Since every Special is different, the genes of any particular individual are quite the mystery. (In other words, breedings involving a Special are done more by artistic interpretation than by genetics.)

An Example of Paint Genes in action

Here are Korunda're'hasha's genes, with a bit of explaination.

Body: L, L (He has a light body, and will only pass on the Light gene)
Tail: H, l (He has a horse tail, but the hidden lion gene could be passed on)
Hooves: S, c (His hoove are solid, but there's a hidden cloven gene)
Horn: s, s (His horn is solid, and he'll pass on the gene)
Wings: N, y (He doesn't have wings, but his babies might)
Pattern: B, s (His coat is broken with patches, hidden solid gene)
Appaloosa: N, y (He's not appaloosa, but he might have appy babies)
Bay: n, n (He's not bay, and can only pass on the n gene)
Markings: Y, n (He does have markings, hidden no gene)
Tail pattern: S, b (Solid tail, hidden broken gene)
Mane pattern: s, b (Solid mane, hidden broken gene)
Color: N, f (Normal colors, hidden fantasy gene)

Body color:

  • Black with orange (Since he's normal colors, he shows black. With the broken pattern, his "with orange" also shows.)
  • Orange with blue

Mane color:

  • White (He's normal and not bay, so he shows white)
  • Violet
  • Bay-black
  • Bay-blue

Hooves color:
Violet with green

Horn color:
Violet with green