Mouse Paints
Mouse Paints: Originally named Mouse Paints because of their resemblance to Painted Unicorns, and because of the fact that they are completely mouse-drawn. However, the name could also refer to their diminutive size. Mouse Paints come in batches which generally include four to eight click-and-takes and a few custom colored individuals.

Mouse Paints form Charities similiar to Painted Unicorns. A breeding of Mouse Paints will result in a batch of babies, with the custom colored foals going to the parent's owners.

All the unicorns pictured below are free for anyone who wishes to take them. If you do take one, please link it back to

Mouse Paint Batches
Batch 1: 3/17/04 Wild

No custom coloreds

Batch 2: 3/18/04 Wild

No custom coloreds

Batch 3: 3/19/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: Karasu, Audrey

Batch 4: 3/19/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: Luminaire

Batch 5: 3/23/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: Stormelle, Saturnalia, Unyko

Batch 6: 4/15/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: Celarania, Lexington

Batch 7: 4/16/04 Breeding from Ivini'Moinie, Bero'hasha x Alisha'ricka

Custom coloreds to: Lexington

Batch 8: 4/20/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: 4 people

Batch 9: 5/12/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: 3 people

Batch 10: 7/1/04 Wild

Custom coloreds to: Luminaire

Batches 1-10 Batches 11-20

Page Last Updated: 2/1/05
Page Made: 4/20/04