You notice a small knoll just inside the forest. You go to investigate, and find Silvanon sitting on the east side.
"What are you doing here?" you ask.
"I'm waiting for my K'd to decide to come out of her den," Silvanon responds. "She's always thinking up some new addition to make. Heh, when I was still waiting to see if I'd get a K'd, I was thinking about making a den for it, but fortunately then I realized that it would probably want to make its own. Fading really likes to do things her own way."
"Oh," you comment, not knowing what else to say. (Now that Silvanon has mentioned it, you notice a small burrow-hole next to her. Small digging sounds rise up from its depths.) Fortunately, you are saved from trying to think up something else, as Fading chooses that moment to appear.
She looks up at you and Silvanon with an infinately innocent expression. "Hello! What are you? How did you get here? Are you going to stay and visit me? Do you have any berries for me to eat? What about some yevver? Would you like to meet my denmates?"
She speaks in a quiet, but insistent, voice. You feel a bit bowled over by her questions, but manage to nod at the last one. Before you can say anything, though, another Kd comes swooping down out of the sky.
You duck down, as Silvanon says, "Watch out, Spiritlifter!" The snowy white male lands carefully, nods to you briefly (with a twinkle in his eye) and the disappears down into the den. A moment later, two more female Kds come out.
"Ah, here we have Elmcaller and Tangerineinnocence," Silvanon introduces you. The two look up at you, and you can tell just by their expressions which is which. You are about to say something, when you are pounced on from behind by another Kd.
"I got you, I got you!" he laughs up at you. You try to be serious as you stare down at his grinning face, but it's a loosing batter. "His name is Foglaughter," Silvanon comments. "Ah, and here's Myrrhgiver." You look down to see another doe, this one sitting quietly, looking at a small container hanging from her tail.
You spend awhile with the Kd's before noticing another lying quietly in the shade of a nearby tree. He is a large male, and he has a small winged creature with him.
You walk over and introduce yourself to him. "My name is Moonlightwader," he tells you, "and this is my friend, Orangemoon. Orangemoon is a NerryClanaar."
You nod politely to Orangemoon. As you look at the two, you feel a niggling at the back of your mind. There's something odd about the pair. Finally you realize what it is. "What are those marks on you?" you ask.
Moonlightwader shakes his head in embaresment. "Everyone notices," he comments sorrowfully. Then he goes on to explain, "I was not born in this realm, I migrated here. When it came time to move, I found that the thought of traveling by portal terrified me. So, I decided to come by mail. They stamped me at the post office--said it was standard procedure. They said the stamp would come off after a few days, but I guess that doesn't hold true for Kd fur. Or NC fur, for that matter." Moonlightwader glances at his friend, who also bears a stamp mark. "Ah well. Would you like to see the den scrapbook?"
Name: Fadingtimidity
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Female Mother: Gentlefire Father: Earthclipser Birth Denn: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn Litter mates: Amber, Deep, Sandstone, Tip From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose ![]()
Name: Moonlightwader
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Male Mother: Wild Father: Wild Birth Denn: Wild Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose |
Name: Spiritlifter
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Male Mother: Wild Father: Wild Birth Denn: Wild Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose |
Name: Foglaughter
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Male Mother: Wild Father: Wild Birth Denn: Wild Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose |
Name: Elmcalling
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Female Mother: Wild Father: Wild Birth Denn: Wild Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose |
Name: Tangerineinnocence
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Female Mother: Wild Father: Wild Birth Denn: Wild Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose |
Name: Myrrhgiver
Species: K'd Age: Grown-up Gender: Female Mother: Hollyberry Father: Peacecaller Birth Denn: CrimsonSnow Denn Current Denn: BrilliantSky Denn From: Forest of the Kartyn'dyrysose Notes: She's got her father's colors as well as her mother's form. There's that tail mutation again. |
Name: Caramello
Species: NC Age: Adult Parents: Wild Birth Wing: Wild Current Wing: Purple Glow Wing From: NC |
Page last updated: Tues. Mar. 29, 2005
Page made: Wed. Aug. 21, 2002