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IDHerd TypeNameName MeaningSpecies
17BandAmaar'CaybaBand of the Knight MoonCrystal Unicorn
19BandAneg'TolkaiBand of Rare BeautyCrystal Unicorn
18BandArianBand of RainbowsCrystal Unicorn
9BandCayba'ShayneBand of the Moon CrystalCrystal Unicorn
21BandCer'ZeberianBand of Simple ContrastsCrystal Unicorn
1ClanClan of Silent Reverie--Faymaah
2ClanClan of the Lemonade Stand--Faymaah
5ClanClan of the Tulips--Che Quin
13BandCord'CraveiiBand of the Dual DestiniesCrystal Unicorn
10BandCzancani'palmnBand of the Melodic RythemsCrystal Unicorn
7BandDalli'trolaiBand of the Painted FeathersCrystal Unicorn
6BandDundraBand of the ButterfliesCrystal Unicorn
31PackEnsen'LluenSilent MoonMoonsung Wolf
36FlyghtFlyght of the Desert Sun--Orania Pegasus
3PodIdon'SevchinLucky StarfishAqe'sarien
15BandJun'ChiantaBand of the Grey SkiesCrystal Unicorn
14BandLaycen'lo'shireBand of Ribbons and LaceCrystal Unicorn
33PackLinan'AddaHoliday SugarMoonsung Wolf
4PodLolo'MoihaieSwift CurrentsAqe'sarien
24BandNey'DashinHoney Pots BandCrystal Unicorn
35TribePhar'ArrystaSun SoulsZenix
22BandSheer'DaziesBand of the White FlowersCrystal Unicorn
25StormStorm of the Distant Star--Flame Unicorn
26StormStorm of the Heaven's Lights--Flame Unicorn
27StormStorm of the Rainbow Crystal--Flame Unicorn
29StormStorm of the Raindrop Gems--Mini Flame Unicorns
28StormStorm of the Spring Flowers--Flame Unicorn
11BandWarhmt'devnaBand of the Summer HarmonyCrystal Unicorn
23BandYazzar'RyanianBand of the Falling RainCrystal Unicorn
30PackYuet'frenerMidnight TrailMoonsung Wolf
34TribeZebker'jummelMoon's SpiritZenix
32PackZoi'LilaForest HeartMoonsung Wolf
12BandZtekia'HaltiBand of the Snowy MountainCrystal Unicorn
8BandZteksiasBand of the SnowflakeCrystal Unicorn
20BandZteky'casenSnow Caps BandCrystal Unicorn
16BandZwrillian'KadoBand of Swirling MagicCrystal Unicorn