In the River: Mim

You find yourself drawn to the river winding through the meadow, and wander over. As you look down into the water, you see that there are lots of plants growing up from it's depths, mostly near the bank. As you meditate the softly swishing plants, you slowly become aware of several small shapes nestled among them.

Mim Sis Tye Tal Wink

"What are they?" you ask Silvanon.

"Iblekai," she responds. "They're fun little pets." Silvanon begins pointing to them in turn. The green one is a female named Mim, and she was the first to come live here. Black fins there is another girl, named Sis. She likes to boss around the others, just like a big sister. Mister Orange fins is named Tye, he's a sweety. He seems to quite like Tal, the blue and green female. The last one is Wink. I call him that because he can hide in a wink, despite his bright pink fins. Quite amazing really.

Name: Mim
Age: Adult
Race: Iblekai
Gender: Female
Id: 2
Mate: None
Children: Nope
From: Lessa Lynn

Iblekai Info Name: Sis
Age: Adult
Race: Iblekai
Gender: Female
Id: 28
Mate: None
Children: Nope
From: Lessa Lynn

Iblekai Info

Name: Tye
Age: Adult
Race: Iblekai
Gender: Male
Id: 29
Mate: None
Children: Nope
From: Lessa Lynn

Iblekai Info

Name: Tal
Age: Adult
Race: Iblekai
Gender: Female
Id: 30
Mate: None
Children: Nope
From: Lessa Lynn

Iblekai Info

Name: Wink
Age: Adult
Race: Iblekai
Gender: Male
Id: 31
Mate: None
Children: Nope
From: Lessa Lynn

Iblekai Info

Page last updated: Mon. Nov. 12, 2001

Page made: Sun. Oct. 14, 2001