Tablet Paint Flatsale: 11/19/07

To adopt one of these Tablet Paints, please send the correct payment amount
to the Silvanon account on PI. In the notes, put the number of the Paint you
are attempting to adopt. If you got the Paint, your payment will be accepted.
If you didn't, your payment will be rejected. You may adopt one Paint per
person (not per sub account). Once your payment has been accepted, you have
24 hours to PM Silvanon with a name for your Paint.

All Adopted

Price: 8000 PG
Adopter: Poupou

Price: 3000 PG
Adopter: CutieePiee

Price: 3000 PG
Adopter: country_gurl1686

Price: 8000 PG
Adopter: Ryuukokoro

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: Tervenna

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: Takaeji

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: Stormelle

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: -Hollywood-

Price: 3000 PG
Adopter: Wanderling

Price: 8000 PG
Adopter: Kahlira

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: awesomeambie

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: Lakotawolf

Price: 5000 PG
Adopter: Kitty<3

Price: 3000 PG
Adopter: Shadow_fox